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How to deal with the situation after tire burst?

2015/3/10 15:00:34

 If it is the rear tire, the car will be inclined to puncture the side, then you need: grip the steering wheel and try to keep the car straight driving, for swerved direction can cause loss of control or overturn. Do not step on the clutch and the accelerator pedal, and step the brake pedal slowly (no sudden braking, otherwise it will cause the car to rotate or roll), and move the car bound for roadside safe place. 

When change a  tire by the roadside Note: Park the car by the roadside of a safe place, then light hazard lights, and put the gear to first gear (automatic transmission car in P position), pull the hand brake.

86-18815368925 3257850877 Weijiao road and Yongji road intersection,Gaomi city,Shandong province