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Technology Center

The storage of the tire

2015/6/10 19:12:51

1、Tires should be stored in a dry, well ventilated warehouse and avoid direct sunlight. Treasury temperature is from -10 ℃ to + 30 ℃ and relative humidity of 50-80% is appropriate. The warehouse should not be close to the power plant or other location producing ozone to prevent accelerated oxidation.

2、The location of tires in the warehouse should be away from heat sources other than 1m, and can not be placed with oil, flammable, acid, alkali and other chemicals together.

3、Cover tires or set of tires should be placed vertically on the package shelf, and regularly change its fulcrum, at least once every three months.

4、 When the tire and inner tube are supporting stored, it must be slightly inflated, and apply talcum powder in the tube surface.

5、When the inner tube is in separate storage, the tube should be hang on the semi-circular shelf, and the pivot point should be turned from time to time to prevent deformation or wrinkles.

6、Do not tear the skin packaging of the  well-packed tires and the tire shall be the original stored.

7、The tires, in custody, should be stored according to the production or the time being put in storage and used in order as well.

86-18815368925 3257850877 Weijiao road and Yongji road intersection,Gaomi city,Shandong province